Pharmacy News Roundup from 2022

The reduction to PBS co-payment from January 1st, 2023, was an historic and very emotional moment for many. It was rewarding to see history in the making as this was the first time in the 75-year history of the PBS that there has been a downwards price movement. The reduction sees the co-payment drop to $30 from $42.50 equating to a 30 per cent saving on the cost of each prescription. 

To find out more information visit PGA - Forefront (

New research shows communities across Australia overwhelmingly support pharmacists being able to provide more professional health services. Pharmacists need to be able to work to their full scope and this research proves this is something that patients want and need. More than 70 per cent of Australians said they were comfortable with pharmacists providing cholesterol monitoring and script renewal; asthma script renewal and dosage adjustment; injections of other medicines for things like osteoporosis, allergies and hormone therapy resulting in minimizing the stress on doctors by enabling pharmacists to use thy have trained for. 

Find out more Australians want pharmacists to be allowed to do more - Pharmacy Guild of Australia

The permanent continuation from 1 October of community pharmacists being able to diagnose and treat women suffering from a non-complex urinary tract infection (UTI) in Queensland was another historic milestone for women’s healthcare. This means women won’t have to suffer the painful symptoms of a UTI while waiting for a doctor’s appointment or visiting an emergency department.

For more information visit UTI program now permanent in Qld - Pharmacy Guild of Australia

The first Mental Health Australia Report to the Nation reveals that there are many things to celebrate in terms of the mental health and wellbeing of Australians. However, there are many areas where our mental health and wellbeing at population level could be strengthened. One common issue that should take priority is we often are more likely to help others than ask for help ourselves, and we commonly feel we should resolve our issues on our own, suggesting an opportunity to further encourage social connection.

To read more, visit Mental Health Australia report - Pharmacy Guild of Australia